
    Back to the usual shitposts then Is it too late to make a K/DA joke?

    Back to the usual shitposts then
Is it too late to make a K/DA joke?

    I used to post these sort of messy stuff a lot more when I started using Twitter Only the first one is new though, the other 3 are from last year ?

    I used to post these sort of messy stuff a lot more when I started using Twitter
Only the first one is new though, the other 3 are from last year ?
    I used to post these sort of messy stuff a lot more when I started using Twitter
Only the first one is new though, the other 3 are from last year ?
    I used to post these sort of messy stuff a lot more when I started using Twitter
Only the first one is new though, the other 3 are from last year ?
    I used to post these sort of messy stuff a lot more when I started using Twitter
Only the first one is new though, the other 3 are from last year ?

    The moment I heard Joker got in Smash I just had to make this

    The moment I heard Joker got in Smash I just had to make this
    The moment I heard Joker got in Smash I just had to make this
    The moment I heard Joker got in Smash I just had to make this

    This is a bit embarassing but Twitter doesn't let me update images in a post ? The Rank 10 animation shatters all the chains so I updated it

    This is a bit embarassing but Twitter doesn't let me update images in a post ?
The Rank 10 animation shatters all the chains so I updated it

    Kirby's one of those weird social links where you don't actually do anything and Kirby saves you instead

    Kirby's one of those weird social links where you don't actually do anything and Kirby saves you instead
    Kirby's one of those weird social links where you don't actually do anything and Kirby saves you instead
    Kirby's one of those weird social links where you don't actually do anything and Kirby saves you instead