faith 🔜swordtember@faith_schaffer

    some good early Cathy strips 😌 ack!!! 😌

    some good early Cathy strips 😌 ack!!! 😌
    some good early Cathy strips 😌 ack!!! 😌
    some good early Cathy strips 😌 ack!!! 😌
    faith 🔜swordtember@faith_schaffer

    Still playing assassin's creed Valhalla and really enjoying it! 🐢 Sketchbook, freehand ink

    Still playing assassin's creed Valhalla and really enjoying it! 🐢
Sketchbook, freehand ink
    faith 🔜swordtember@faith_schaffer

    Happy birthday Majima!!! I tried to finish this last year for his birthday but ran out of steam haha

    Happy birthday Majima!!! I tried to finish this last year for his birthday but ran out of steam haha
    faith 🔜swordtember@faith_schaffer

    I've shared these before but this is: 5 minutes later, 1 hour later

    I've shared these before but this is: 5 minutes later, 1 hour later
    I've shared these before but this is: 5 minutes later, 1 hour later
    faith 🔜swordtember@faith_schaffer

    and here's a comic I made before yakuza: like a dragon was out that I didn't realize would be accurate lmao

    and here's a comic I made before yakuza: like a dragon was out that I didn't realize would be accurate lmao
    and here's a comic I made before yakuza: like a dragon was out that I didn't realize would be accurate lmao
    and here's a comic I made before yakuza: like a dragon was out that I didn't realize would be accurate lmao