my webcomic lies within is currently on a break, so it's a great time to start reading, catch up, or tell a friend about it! it's got stuff like getting dressed while your vampire buckfuddy explains the birds and the, uh, bats

    my webcomic lies within is currently on a break, so it's a great time to start reading, catch up, or tell a friend about it!

it's got stuff like getting dressed while your vampire buckfuddy explains the birds and the, uh, bats

    u are so shaped

    u are so shaped

    there's so much cool monster times to be had over in the junk drawer, and you support me making comics in the process

    there's so much cool monster times to be had over in the junk drawer, and you support me making comics in the process

    get thrown into toronto's secret world of feuding supernatural beings in LIES WITHIN, my queer webcomic filled from gutter to gutter with hot vampires and angry ghosts. ⚪⚪💢 it's currently on break, a great time to start or catch up on the fun!

    get thrown into toronto's secret world of feuding supernatural beings in LIES WITHIN, my queer webcomic filled from gutter to gutter with hot vampires and angry ghosts. ⚪⚪💢

it's currently on break, a great time to start or catch up on the fun!
    get thrown into toronto's secret world of feuding supernatural beings in LIES WITHIN, my queer webcomic filled from gutter to gutter with hot vampires and angry ghosts. ⚪⚪💢

it's currently on break, a great time to start or catch up on the fun!
    get thrown into toronto's secret world of feuding supernatural beings in LIES WITHIN, my queer webcomic filled from gutter to gutter with hot vampires and angry ghosts. ⚪⚪💢

it's currently on break, a great time to start or catch up on the fun!
    get thrown into toronto's secret world of feuding supernatural beings in LIES WITHIN, my queer webcomic filled from gutter to gutter with hot vampires and angry ghosts. ⚪⚪💢

it's currently on break, a great time to start or catch up on the fun!

