MSZ-006 Kyou@Iuciferic

    face of a new religion "The New Sun", (she is not a god but a sun elemental, however, she's the only divine being most people have seen and they feel abandoned by the gods). But since she listens to everything he says, he will basically e the god of this new religion.

    face of a new religion "The New Sun", (she is not a god but a sun elemental, however, she's the only divine being most people have seen and they feel abandoned by the gods). But since she listens to everything he says, he will basically e the god of this new religion.
    face of a new religion "The New Sun", (she is not a god but a sun elemental, however, she's the only divine being most people have seen and they feel abandoned by the gods). But since she listens to everything he says, he will basically e the god of this new religion.
    face of a new religion "The New Sun", (she is not a god but a sun elemental, however, she's the only divine being most people have seen and they feel abandoned by the gods). But since she listens to everything he says, he will basically e the god of this new religion.
    MSZ-006 Kyou@Iuciferic

    in shitposts he's shown to like when little girls do cute things

    in shitposts he's shown to like when little girls do cute things
    in shitposts he's shown to like when little girls do cute things
    in shitposts he's shown to like when little girls do cute things
    in shitposts he's shown to like when little girls do cute things
    MSZ-006 Kyou@Iuciferic

    the replies

    the replies
    MSZ-006 Kyou@Iuciferic

    absorb that miasma inside his body, but that being went crazy and decided since he was the one saving the world from miasma, he was better than the gods. Said being was so tough to beat, the gods could only injure him by breaking his body is several parts.

    absorb that miasma inside his body, but that being went crazy and decided since he was the one saving the world from miasma, he was better than the gods. Said being was so tough to beat, the gods could only injure him by breaking his body is several parts.
    MSZ-006 Kyou@Iuciferic

    Adramelekh was created to be the new miasma container and was also to be weaker than the previous one so that if miasma makes her go crazy she'd be easy to kill She's also mortal and like a phoenix, she's reborn from her ashes and reincarnates as many times and the gods need her

    Adramelekh was created to be the new miasma container and was also to be weaker than the previous one so that if miasma makes her go crazy she'd be easy to kill
She's also mortal and like a phoenix, she's reborn from her ashes and reincarnates as many times and the gods need her