alex krokus@alexkrokus

    @MimimiCee nah all my boards are in one massive PSD. each page of the packet is in it's own folder so i have to manually flatten every group into a layer, export all of them and then reassemble with PDF presentation. tryna find something with two less steps and allows for easy editing

    @MimimiCee nah all my boards are in one massive PSD. each page of the packet is in it's own folder so i have to manually flatten every group into a layer, export all of them and then reassemble with PDF presentation.

tryna find something with two less steps and allows for easy editing
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    drew a comic about 2019

    drew a comic about 2019
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    watch @kddaawwggg tell it like it is

    watch @kddaawwggg tell it like it is
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    drew a comic about the rapture

    drew a comic about the rapture
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    drew a comic about corduroy pants

    drew a comic about corduroy pants