alex krokus@alexkrokus

    The season 9 premiere "A Rover Runs Through It" is the 172nd episode of King of the Hill and is probably not an episode that a casual fan of the series will recall. It is, however featured as the boxart for the 9th Season DVD Box Set.

    The season 9 premiere "A Rover Runs Through It" is the 172nd episode of King of the Hill and is probably not an episode that a casual fan of the series will recall. It is, however featured as the boxart for the 9th Season DVD Box Set.
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    made a comic about very tall people

    made a comic about very tall people
    made a comic about very tall people
    made a comic about very tall people
    made a comic about very tall people
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    drew a comic about letting people down

    drew a comic about letting people down
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    shoutout to everyone who was inspired by a game they never finished

    shoutout to everyone who was inspired by a game they never finished
    alex krokus@alexkrokus

    couple of old ones about star war #MayTheFourthBeWithYou

    couple of old ones about star war #MayTheFourthBeWithYou
    couple of old ones about star war #MayTheFourthBeWithYou