He would kill (literally) for a nice cup of coffee, too. lol I love making fun of Duncan. Especially if the picture of him I am working on is taking forever to finish

    He would kill (literally) for a nice cup of coffee, too.
lol I love making fun of Duncan. Especially if the picture of him I am working on is taking forever to finish

    Commissions are OPEN! (taking 3 slots at a time so I can deliver fast)

    Commissions are OPEN! (taking 3 slots at a time so I can deliver fast)

    Since I don't think I will be able to finish it today.. I'll at least post the sketch. Can't help it, I just find pumpkin very delicious ☠️? Hope you're all having/had a spoopy Halloween!!

    Since I don't think I will be able to finish it today.. I'll at least post the sketch.

Can't help it, I just find pumpkin very delicious ☠️?
Hope you're all having/had a spoopy Halloween!!

    Turnaround for Duncan I made to challenge myself, in pose and turning counterclockwise lol I'm curious, what kind of voice do you think he would have? (for me I think Tim Curry would fit him for some reason haha)

    Turnaround for Duncan I made to challenge myself, in pose and turning counterclockwise lol
I'm curious, what kind of voice do you think he would have? (for me I think Tim Curry would fit him for some reason haha)

    Random expressions for my portfolio. Not sure if I'll be able to post something else before my vacation next week. Hope you guys are doing well!

    Random expressions for my portfolio.

Not sure if I'll be able to post something else before my vacation next week. Hope you guys are doing well!

