It's late and I'm real tired but I finished this doodle ?‍♀️

    It's late and I'm real tired but I finished this doodle ?‍♀️

    I'm a day late and a dollar short as always, but my first #Inktober I drew Sweet Pea in pajamas :^)

    I'm a day late and a dollar short as always, but my first #Inktober I drew Sweet Pea in pajamas :^)

    Her name is Begonia, she's got the worst luck imaginable but when she's with Peony their luck balances each other's out

    Her name is Begonia, she's got the worst luck imaginable but when she's with Peony their luck balances each other's out
    Her name is Begonia, she's got the worst luck imaginable but when she's with Peony their luck balances each other's out
    Her name is Begonia, she's got the worst luck imaginable but when she's with Peony their luck balances each other's out
    Her name is Begonia, she's got the worst luck imaginable but when she's with Peony their luck balances each other's out

    This is now my Shame Thread

    This is now my Shame Thread
    This is now my Shame Thread
    This is now my Shame Thread

    There's some details I need to put in but I've gotta head to work so I'm calling this lineart done for now, it's been a process in short little sections of free time

    There's some details I need to put in but I've gotta head to work so I'm calling this lineart done for now, it's been a process in short little sections of free time

