
    These are gonna be the greatest test to my ability to draw faces consistently, face bootcamp

    These are gonna be the greatest test to my ability to draw faces consistently, face bootcamp



    Trying to figure out a new OC

    Trying to figure out a new OC

    I wanna participate in that outfit diary thing cause...I love drawing clothes so much, so I'm sketchin some stuff I've been wearing recently

    I wanna participate in that outfit diary thing cause...I love drawing clothes so much, so I'm sketchin some stuff I've been wearing recently

    I have to make a paper puppet and bg for my animation class, debating between doing a moving postcard from a bunny girl on the moon w/ shooting stars and the earth behind her or a weird girl opening a pomegranate and its gold inside and it goes from day to night

    I have to make a paper puppet and bg for my animation class, debating between doing a moving postcard from a bunny girl on the moon w/ shooting stars and the earth behind her or a weird girl opening a pomegranate and its gold inside and it goes from day to night
    I have to make a paper puppet and bg for my animation class, debating between doing a moving postcard from a bunny girl on the moon w/ shooting stars and the earth behind her or a weird girl opening a pomegranate and its gold inside and it goes from day to night

