I haven't drawn in over a week and it's making me sad so doodled some girls with pigtails turned in various degrees to the left

    I haven't drawn in over a week and it's making me sad so doodled some girls with pigtails turned in various degrees to the left

    This is what I've been hacking away at during syllabus week lol #WIP

    This is what I've been hacking away at during syllabus week lol #WIP

    For my graphic novel class we had to make 4 panel comics based off of a given haiku. Here's a weird one based off of Matsuo Basho's "The Passing Spring" (I need to find a better font)

    For my graphic novel class we had to make 4 panel comics based off of a given haiku. Here's a weird one based off of Matsuo Basho's "The Passing Spring" (I need to find a better font)

    Also for my graphic novel class, I had to make an alter ego character but really it's just me, with a bear head

    Also for my graphic novel class, I had to make an alter ego character but really it's just me, with a bear head

    So. Shirt ideas. I'm going to do preorders for these, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do both at once or if it'd be best to do first one then the other and I need to get quotes from some local places I'm interested in working with.

    So. Shirt ideas. I'm going to do preorders for these, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do both at once or if it'd be best to do first one then the other and I need to get quotes from some local places I'm interested in working with.
    So. Shirt ideas. I'm going to do preorders for these, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do both at once or if it'd be best to do first one then the other and I need to get quotes from some local places I'm interested in working with.

