Lunch time doodle for #inktober day 1 Imma take it easy this year and just do whatever I have energy for lol ANYWAY I LOVE LIO #PROMARE

    Lunch time doodle for #inktober day 1
Imma take it easy this year and just do whatever I have energy for lol 

    #inktober 2 Lio again!

    #inktober 2 
Lio again!
    #inktober 2 
Lio again!

    UPDATE: LINA FOUND IT @segseu The world is saved... Idk who drew it though if there's a source I would love to know ?

    UPDATE: LINA FOUND IT @segseu 
The world is saved... Idk who drew it though if there's a source I would love to know ?

    Some #deathstranding and general Norman doodles.... Young Norman from Dark Harbour is ????

    Some #deathstranding and general Norman doodles.... Young Norman from Dark Harbour is ????
    Some #deathstranding and general Norman doodles.... Young Norman from Dark Harbour is ????
    Some #deathstranding and general Norman doodles.... Young Norman from Dark Harbour is ????

    my year summary... not rly any show of progress more like what months did i burn out/have no time to draw AND which months did i have a con that forced me to finish things for prints? LOL

    my year summary... not rly any show of progress more like what months did i burn out/have no time to draw AND which months did i have a con that forced me to finish things for prints? LOL