? Hangin' out the passenger side... ? From #WarOfTheRealms issue 5, written by @jasonaaron, drawn by me, colored by @COLORnMATT.

    ? Hangin' out the passenger side... ?

From #WarOfTheRealms issue 5, written by @jasonaaron, drawn by me, colored by @COLORnMATT.
    ? Hangin' out the passenger side... ?

From #WarOfTheRealms issue 5, written by @jasonaaron, drawn by me, colored by @COLORnMATT.

    Shuri! WAR OF THE REALMS #4 process shots, from my rough to @COLORnMATT's colors.

    Shuri! WAR OF THE REALMS #4 process shots, from my rough to @COLORnMATT's colors.
    Shuri! WAR OF THE REALMS #4 process shots, from my rough to @COLORnMATT's colors.
    Shuri! WAR OF THE REALMS #4 process shots, from my rough to @COLORnMATT's colors.
    Shuri! WAR OF THE REALMS #4 process shots, from my rough to @COLORnMATT's colors.

    Last issue of #WarOfTheRealms is out on Wednesday! I don't think I can show anything from it right now, so here's Spidey kicking a ghost from #5. ?‍♂️?? Drawn by me, colored by @COLORnMATT

    Last issue of #WarOfTheRealms is out on Wednesday! I don't think I can show anything from it right now, so here's Spidey kicking a ghost from #5.
Drawn by me, colored by @COLORnMATT
    Last issue of #WarOfTheRealms is out on Wednesday! I don't think I can show anything from it right now, so here's Spidey kicking a ghost from #5.
Drawn by me, colored by @COLORnMATT

    My design for Venomized Malekith ?? #WarOfTheRealms

    My design for Venomized Malekith ??
    My design for Venomized Malekith ??

    MARAUDERS #1 cover, line art + closeup shots ✖️?‍☠️

    MARAUDERS #1 cover, line art + closeup shots ✖️?‍☠️
    MARAUDERS #1 cover, line art + closeup shots ✖️?‍☠️
    MARAUDERS #1 cover, line art + closeup shots ✖️?‍☠️

