?⚡️? Posted a bunch of detail shots from the #700 cover over on Instagram: https://t.co/Mymns7rwA4 Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT

    ?⚡️? Posted a bunch of detail shots from the #700 cover over on Instagram: https://t.co/Mymns7rwA4

Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT
    ?⚡️? Posted a bunch of detail shots from the #700 cover over on Instagram: https://t.co/Mymns7rwA4

Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT
    ?⚡️? Posted a bunch of detail shots from the #700 cover over on Instagram: https://t.co/Mymns7rwA4

Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT
    ?⚡️? Posted a bunch of detail shots from the #700 cover over on Instagram: https://t.co/Mymns7rwA4

Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT

    Another cover from @COLORnMATT and me today! THE MIGHTY THOR #701, color and line art.

    Another cover from @COLORnMATT and me today! THE MIGHTY THOR #701, color and line art.
    Another cover from @COLORnMATT and me today! THE MIGHTY THOR #701, color and line art.

    Here's a little Odinson sneak peek from THE MIGHTY THOR #700! FOC is Monday!

    Here's a little Odinson sneak peek from THE MIGHTY THOR #700! FOC is Monday!

    THE MIGHTY THOR #700 is out today!! Reeeaaaalllly excited for you all to see it. Preview art by @WalterSimonson (!), @COLORnMATT + me.

    THE MIGHTY THOR #700 is out today!! Reeeaaaalllly excited for you all to see it. Preview art by @WalterSimonson (!), @COLORnMATT + me.
    THE MIGHTY THOR #700 is out today!! Reeeaaaalllly excited for you all to see it. Preview art by @WalterSimonson (!), @COLORnMATT + me.
    THE MIGHTY THOR #700 is out today!! Reeeaaaalllly excited for you all to see it. Preview art by @WalterSimonson (!), @COLORnMATT + me.
    THE MIGHTY THOR #700 is out today!! Reeeaaaalllly excited for you all to see it. Preview art by @WalterSimonson (!), @COLORnMATT + me.

    From issue 700, some of my favorite pages from the whole series so far. Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT!

    From issue 700, some of my favorite pages from the whole series so far. Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT!
    From issue 700, some of my favorite pages from the whole series so far. Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT!
    From issue 700, some of my favorite pages from the whole series so far. Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT!
    From issue 700, some of my favorite pages from the whole series so far. Drawn by me + colored by @COLORnMATT!

