Time of pain: 7:15pm

    Time of pain: 7:15pm
    Time of pain: 7:15pm
    Time of pain: 7:15pm
    Time of pain: 7:15pm

    Thinking about deity au Hyungwon.... he doesn't spend much time with anyone anymore, but he always worries for Minhyuk.

    Thinking about deity au Hyungwon.... he doesn't spend much time with anyone anymore, but he always worries for Minhyuk.

    Y'all enabled me so here is a sketch https://t.co/5v8uOSg9aO

    Y'all enabled me so here is a sketch https://t.co/5v8uOSg9aO

    ?[Rock Band AU] ? HongJoong, leader of Yunho's rival group. He's small, wears skirts and messy make up and maybe Yunho wants to fight him

    ?[Rock Band AU] ?
HongJoong, leader of Yunho's rival group. He's small, wears skirts and messy make up and maybe Yunho wants to fight him

    I feel like I haven't drawn in forever so take some angry rock band au hongjoongs and a cute one

    I feel like I haven't drawn in forever so take some angry rock band au hongjoongs and a cute one
    I feel like I haven't drawn in forever so take some angry rock band au hongjoongs and a cute one

