I feel like I haven't drawn in forever so take some angry rock band au hongjoongs and a cute one

    I feel like I haven't drawn in forever so take some angry rock band au hongjoongs and a cute one
    I feel like I haven't drawn in forever so take some angry rock band au hongjoongs and a cute one

    maybe it's the science major in me but I would rather do calculus than memorize this (which they made me do)

    maybe it's the science major in me but I would rather do calculus than memorize this (which they made me do)

    Wally starter pack https://t.co/oKBmRJB9zD

    Wally starter pack https://t.co/oKBmRJB9zD
    Wally starter pack https://t.co/oKBmRJB9zD
    Wally starter pack https://t.co/oKBmRJB9zD
    Wally starter pack https://t.co/oKBmRJB9zD

    ?[ROCK BAND AU]? Mingi, the big scary drummer who actually just likes to sleep, can't handle big tattoos, and can't even talk to his crush without stumbling over his words. . . . #ATEEZfanart #MINGI

    ?[ROCK BAND AU]?
Mingi, the big scary drummer who actually just likes to sleep, can't handle big tattoos, and can't even talk to his crush without stumbling over his words.
    ?[ROCK BAND AU]?
Mingi, the big scary drummer who actually just likes to sleep, can't handle big tattoos, and can't even talk to his crush without stumbling over his words.

    ?[ROCK BAND AU]? Choi San, who loves body modification but can't handle the thought of pain (Yeosang doesn't understand him, nor does he want to). . . . #ATEEZfanart #CHOISAN

    ?[ROCK BAND AU]? 
Choi San, who loves body modification but can't handle the thought of pain (Yeosang doesn't understand him, nor does he want to). 
    ?[ROCK BAND AU]? 
Choi San, who loves body modification but can't handle the thought of pain (Yeosang doesn't understand him, nor does he want to). 

