In February I was drawing a comic about Zagreus and the twins going to play in Tartarus. But now that I think about it, did Zag ever leave the palace before the events of the game...? #HadesGame
Some #thanzag doodles from last December. #HadesGame
I just want to draw a comic about thanzag childhood…. #HadesGame #hades タナザグ
I have a lot of #thanzag wip in stock🥺
The progress is slow.
#Thanzag Long hair Thanatos (2) 情緒影響頭髮長度 #タナザグ #Thanatos #zagreus #HadesGame #hadesgamefanart
我做的豹紋筆刷,使用後需微調圖案位置。 【豹紋手繪筆刷】 by beepaint #clipstudio
感覺我用apple pencil 2跟用Wacom pro pen筆觸差不多