📍 🐦 tweets by category: ART / https://nitter.moomoo.me/search?q=%F0%9F%96%BC%EF%B8%8F(from%3Aokolnir)&src=typed_query&f=live COMICS / https://nitter.moomoo.me/search?q=%F0%9F%97%A8%EF%B8%8F(from%3Aokolnir)&src=typed_query&f=live VIDEOS/MUSIC / https://nitter.moomoo.me/search?q=%F0%9F%8E%9E%EF%B8%8F(from%3Aokolnir)&src=typed_query&f=live 📕 my comics CARCIPHONA / https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/carciphona/list?title_no=42670 AMONGST US / https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/amongst-us/list?title_no=88621
some pages from the amongst us 2 printed book 💬 help get the book printed here! ✨https://t.co/KzzEEZSWJP
WIP 🏙️ love colouring modern cityscapes a little too much
#EndwalkerSpoilers #ffxiv alisaie would probably still buy the whole collection
#AmongstUsComic 35? Live in the moment
(1/2) a little comic based on one of my favourite quest lines in the game #ffxiv
#EndwalkerSpoilers #FFXIV ancient greek beer hat
#AmongstUsComic ? 34. speak with your actions
#AmongstUscomic 36 ? Compliment (1 of 2)
#AmongstUsComic 37. ⚔️ Overthinking