Deya Muniz@DeyaMuniz


    Deya Muniz@DeyaMuniz

    from 2016 cause some things never change ✨👌😜💖

    from 2016 cause some things never change ✨👌😜💖
    Deya Muniz@DeyaMuniz

    Every single panel in Blades of Furry has an important purpose to the overall story For example, the purpose of this one is that I personally love Emile and would like to bite him on the tummy

    Every single panel in Blades of Furry has an important purpose to the overall story

For example, the purpose of this one is that I personally love Emile and would like to bite him on the tummy
    Deya Muniz@DeyaMuniz

    One year ago Emily surprised me by taking me to get fitted for skating boots. On our way back, we picked up a cake that probably confused whoever had to frost it, and then we sat to wait the Launch of Blades of Furry

    One year ago Emily surprised me by taking me to get fitted for skating boots. On our way back, we picked up a cake that probably confused whoever had to frost it, and then we sat to wait the Launch of Blades of Furry
    One year ago Emily surprised me by taking me to get fitted for skating boots. On our way back, we picked up a cake that probably confused whoever had to frost it, and then we sat to wait the Launch of Blades of Furry
    One year ago Emily surprised me by taking me to get fitted for skating boots. On our way back, we picked up a cake that probably confused whoever had to frost it, and then we sat to wait the Launch of Blades of Furry
    One year ago Emily surprised me by taking me to get fitted for skating boots. On our way back, we picked up a cake that probably confused whoever had to frost it, and then we sat to wait the Launch of Blades of Furry
    Deya Muniz@DeyaMuniz

    You think any of these three know how to do math? grow up

    You think any of these three know how to do math? grow up