It was funny in my head. #lance #pidge #voltron #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol2

    It was funny in my head. #lance #pidge #voltron #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol2
    It was funny in my head. #lance #pidge #voltron #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol2
    It was funny in my head. #lance #pidge #voltron #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol2
    It was funny in my head. #lance #pidge #voltron #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol2

    This is what I wished he said instead. #keith #shiro #voltron

    This is what I wished he said instead. #keith #shiro #voltron
    This is what I wished he said instead. #keith #shiro #voltron

    *looks at art style* Are you anime? Are you???

    *looks at art style*
 Are you anime? Are you???

    Sometimes I can't tell if I like drawing little comics or not, but this is my favorite panel so far. #voltron #lance

    Sometimes I can't tell if I like drawing little comics or not, but this is my favorite panel so far. #voltron #lance

    Okay wait, this is more accurate if we're including platonic! Heh, Coran is so high, he's friends with everybody~ Hunk/Shay should be higher

    Okay wait, this is more accurate if we're including platonic! Heh, Coran is so high, he's friends with everybody~
Hunk/Shay should be higher