Geov 🍉@pixlotl

    Uh oh .... Olli is actually a really fun app ...

    Uh oh .... Olli is actually a really fun app ...
    Uh oh .... Olli is actually a really fun app ...
    Geov 🍉@pixlotl

    A Centaur's Life is too real sometimes

    A Centaur's Life is too real sometimes
    Geov 🍉@pixlotl

    Come by the Interactive Art Salon tonight in Oakland! I'll have some stuff for sale ?✨

    Come by the Interactive Art Salon tonight in Oakland! I'll have some stuff for sale ?✨
    Geov 🍉@pixlotl

    @toastasaurus This one is pretty classic :')

    @toastasaurus This one is pretty classic :')
    Geov 🍉@pixlotl

    @Childspar I think the characters are very different between the comics and the animated series. Like you say, Snufkin is a calm guy even when he's a little mad. :^)

    @Childspar I think the characters are very different between the comics and the animated series. 
Like you say, Snufkin is a calm guy even when he's a little mad. :^)