Obviously I couldn't sleep before drawing it out........most painful pinning going on there, probably ドラマイ

    Obviously I couldn't sleep before drawing it out........most painful pinning going on there, probably

    drew the silliest adult michi today for something just as dumb lol...my wip folder is getting too big

    drew the silliest adult michi today for something just as dumb lol...my wip folder is getting too big

    new merch dropped and their poses were just too funny, I want them to pose like this everytime they are introduced now

    new merch dropped and their poses were just too funny, I want them to pose like this everytime they are introduced now

    Comics are so hard to draw 🥲 I sketched one page and my stamina is already gone

    Comics are so hard to draw 🥲 I sketched one page and my stamina is already gone

    Just a tiny thought of Draken being called names since childhood and the manila timeline... (implied doramai/maidora)

    Just a tiny thought of Draken being called names since childhood and the manila timeline...
(implied doramai/maidora)