Starting 2019 with something really rough, yet something I quite enjoy. Been a while since I had fun drawing.
Hey artists. Do you keep all the drawings you make? I'm packing my stuff to move next week and I have like, piles of doodles up to 5 years old. I kinda just keep almost everything, cause I feel bad throwing art away haha.
Done! Now back to work! Featuring: @trisketched , @GotSomeHaps @YeahBeezii @LorekeeperWren @animal_shapes @narndraws @GenOttr @rabid_rodent @PitiYindee
This month's OC meme. Next one in July. Featured: @SpookyPulga @HungryBearDev @PocketTrap @SonicFox5000 @foxtail_game @LeninTheLion @frankothelion @AuugManed @NightInTheWoods
I have a buncha sketches collecting digital dust in my computer. They were really fun to draw. I gotta find the drive to finish them and move on to better pieces too.
Your majesty, I'm Clairen and aI came from the future to stop Loxodont before he murders y--
Done! Now back to work! Featuring: @trisketched , @GotSomeHaps @YeahBeezii @LorekeeperWren @animal_shapes @narndraws @GenOttr @rabid_rodent @PitiYindee
it's that greedy piece of shit
This month's OC meme. Next one in July. Featured: @SpookyPulga @HungryBearDev @PocketTrap @SonicFox5000 @foxtail_game @LeninTheLion @frankothelion @AuugManed @NightInTheWoods
I was wondering what a Definitive Edition art of @Sprite_Star0 's Olympia could look like. Would be nice if the top workshop characters got one... Haha....jk....unless...?
Some sketches of the character art in @RivalsOfAether Definitive Edition.
Alright so tonight is an all-nighter for me. Gonna share two (very small) crops of what I'm working on.
die monster, you don't belong in this world.