Tinha tirado um momento pra descansar e fiquei aqui lembrando de quando eu era pequeno, pessoal da escola e amigos ficavam debochando de mim por ter pintas no corpo inteiro (uma particularmente grande acima do olho). (pqp, chamar de Angélica era golpe baixo)
Some sketches of the character art in @RivalsOfAether Definitive Edition.
Your majesty, I'm Clairen and aI came from the future to stop Loxodont before he murders y--
Done! Now back to work! Featuring: @trisketched , @GotSomeHaps @YeahBeezii @LorekeeperWren @animal_shapes @narndraws @GenOttr @rabid_rodent @PitiYindee
it's that greedy piece of shit
This month's OC meme. Next one in July. Featured: @SpookyPulga @HungryBearDev @PocketTrap @SonicFox5000 @foxtail_game @LeninTheLion @frankothelion @AuugManed @NightInTheWoods
I was wondering what a Definitive Edition art of @Sprite_Star0 's Olympia could look like. Would be nice if the top workshop characters got one... Haha....jk....unless...?
Some sketches of the character art in @RivalsOfAether Definitive Edition.
Alright so tonight is an all-nighter for me. Gonna share two (very small) crops of what I'm working on.
die monster, you don't belong in this world.