Gareth Davies@Spudonkey

    Feeling better after a few days R&R, even started the old drawing irons up again...

    Feeling better after a few days R&R, even started the old drawing irons up again...
    Gareth Davies@Spudonkey

    I think my family were sick of me only drawing in black pen so they have broadened my horizons...

    I think my family were sick of me only drawing in black pen so they have broadened my horizons...
    Gareth Davies@Spudonkey

    More unused stuffs from this year...

    More unused stuffs from this year...
    More unused stuffs from this year...
    More unused stuffs from this year...
    Gareth Davies@Spudonkey

    In ruins...

    In ruins...
    Gareth Davies@Spudonkey

    Skull was a tad annoyed that King had decided to polish off Skull's noodles before starting on his own...

    Skull was a tad annoyed that King had decided to polish off Skull's noodles before starting on his own...