Beryl @dokomi 3C20@blueberylpie

    All set up! Besucht @selkiien und mich am Stand G 404!

    All set up!
Besucht @selkiien und mich am Stand G 404!
    Beryl @dokomi 3C20@blueberylpie

    wip time Let's do a small raffle - I wanna add one more, so comment and tell me your fgo waifu and I'll draw the winner's choice!

    wip time

Let's do a small raffle - I wanna add one more, so comment and tell me your fgo waifu and I'll draw the winner's choice!
    Beryl @dokomi 3C20@blueberylpie

    Is kokoromisaki a thing? I sure hope so..

    Is kokoromisaki a thing? I sure hope so..
    Beryl @dokomi 3C20@blueberylpie

    My inventory for Dokomi 2018! It's a very rough overview. You can find me in the professional area at A35! Feel free to visit!

    My inventory for Dokomi 2018! It's a very rough overview.

You can find me in the professional area at A35! Feel free to visit!
    My inventory for Dokomi 2018! It's a very rough overview.

You can find me in the professional area at A35! Feel free to visit!
    Beryl @dokomi 3C20@blueberylpie

    #目だけでフォロワーさんを惚れさせる The truth is my eyes aren't that exciting and rly bad close up, enjoy :3c

The truth is my eyes aren't that exciting and rly bad close up, enjoy :3c

