Serena Ci.@apple_toast

    Serena Ci.@apple_toast

    warm up doodles

    warm up doodles
    warm up doodles
    warm up doodles
    Serena Ci.@apple_toast

    diary of a fast food worker #comic #doodle

    diary of a fast food worker
#comic #doodle
    diary of a fast food worker
#comic #doodle
    Serena Ci.@apple_toast

    i'm turning 25 and i drew a diary entry from a few months ago #comic

    i'm turning 25 and i drew a diary entry from a few months ago #comic
    i'm turning 25 and i drew a diary entry from a few months ago #comic
    Serena Ci.@apple_toast

    fragmented thoughts on travelling, friends, drawing, social interactions and the future

    fragmented thoughts on travelling, friends, drawing, social interactions and the future
    fragmented thoughts on travelling, friends, drawing, social interactions and the future
    fragmented thoughts on travelling, friends, drawing, social interactions and the future