me: my fingers are cursed i cant draw for a while m

    me: my fingers are cursed i cant draw for a while
    me: my fingers are cursed i cant draw for a while

    uuwa this is the grayest my page has been rest your eyes while you have the chance

    uuwa this is the grayest my page has been
rest your eyes while you have the chance

    oc piya #sketch babey gorl

    oc piya #sketch babey gorl

    i fotgot i drew this im sleep oyasum

    i fotgot i drew this im sleep oyasum

    i sketched ocs from my middle school days from memory ........ they r so old do you know how much old art i had to remember dont think i really shared these characters too much when i made them back then besides a few drawings here and there repost i just had to kill her #oldocs

    i sketched ocs from my middle school days from memory ........
they r so old do you know how much old art i had to remember
dont think i really shared these characters too much when i made them back then besides a few drawings here and there

repost i just had to kill her
    i sketched ocs from my middle school days from memory ........
they r so old do you know how much old art i had to remember
dont think i really shared these characters too much when i made them back then besides a few drawings here and there

repost i just had to kill her

