Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    Shikadai's look of betrayal when it's revealed Boruto cheated...always breaks my heart....

    Shikadai's look of betrayal when it's revealed Boruto cheated...always breaks my heart....
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    This is so stupid I'm sorry

    This is so stupid I'm sorry
    This is so stupid I'm sorry
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    (1/2) A pseudo-comic of some Kankuro feels...

    (1/2) A pseudo-comic of some Kankuro feels...
    (1/2) A pseudo-comic of some Kankuro feels...
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    (2/2) For a period of time, the face paint was a cover

    (2/2) For a period of time, the face paint was a cover
    (2/2) For a period of time, the face paint was a cover
    (2/2) For a period of time, the face paint was a cover
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    Another pseudo-comic, this time with Gaara and Temari...

    Another pseudo-comic, this time with Gaara and Temari...
    Another pseudo-comic, this time with Gaara and Temari...
    Another pseudo-comic, this time with Gaara and Temari...
    Another pseudo-comic, this time with Gaara and Temari...