Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy


    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    not saying we deserved this in canon but we deserved this in canon

    not saying we deserved this in canon but we deserved this in canon
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    (1/2) Part 1: Cruel A ShikaTema Fancomic

    (1/2) Part 1: Cruel

A ShikaTema Fancomic
    (1/2) Part 1: Cruel

A ShikaTema Fancomic
    (1/2) Part 1: Cruel

A ShikaTema Fancomic
    (1/2) Part 1: Cruel

A ShikaTema Fancomic
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    (2/2) I was thinking about how Temari, the cruelest kunoichi, believes Shikamaru to be the kindest man she knows

    (2/2) I was thinking about how Temari, the cruelest kunoichi, believes Shikamaru to be the kindest man she knows
    (2/2) I was thinking about how Temari, the cruelest kunoichi, believes Shikamaru to be the kindest man she knows
    (2/2) I was thinking about how Temari, the cruelest kunoichi, believes Shikamaru to be the kindest man she knows
    (2/2) I was thinking about how Temari, the cruelest kunoichi, believes Shikamaru to be the kindest man she knows
    Dr. Pandy, MD@BakaPandy

    I want this handsome Kankurou back

    I want this handsome Kankurou back