Have you ever looked at my drawings and thought, "I want to plaster affirmations all over my house" WELL NOW YOU CAAAAAN affordably! Preorder US: https://t.co/idAKD4D6QQ Intl: https://t.co/tkR5SjzNf1 Available 8/11
Thera-pets card deck is officially out today, yaaaay! I find these cards useful to flip through when I'm feeling panicked or stressed, and they also make cute daily pick-me-ups when tacked on a mirror or fridge. US: https://t.co/idAKD4D6QQ Intl: https://t.co/tkR5SjzNf1
I'm Kate, and I draw colorful, kind animals! Shop : https://t.co/FUfl84KTO9 Patreon : https://t.co/jb8xtzn94w Books & Cards : https://t.co/rBLL8pNOqg ? List : https://t.co/KVPxoa2tw8 ? https://t.co/4hi8fhrhfY ❤️ https://t.co/XOMSTaPVg5 ? https://t.co/z9q9wKjQZV