Here's all the new stuff I plan on bringing to the con! I've worked really hard the last couple months and I'm really excited to finally show it all off. I'm not certain I'll be able to bring all of my notebooks unless I can make room for them on our already packed table haha ;;

    Here's all the new stuff I plan on bringing to the con! I've worked really hard the last couple months and I'm really excited to finally show it all off. I'm not certain I'll be able to bring all of my notebooks unless I can make room for them on our already packed table haha ;;

    @Vaahlkult is letting me borrow her surface pro to try out and I did a live drawing of my baby boy

    @Vaahlkult is letting me borrow her surface pro to try out and I did a live drawing of my baby boy

    Still not great at sewing (the inside of this is a mess) but at least the outside looks cute ? wanted to try making a lil pouch from scratch to put my heat transfer design on. I think I'll stick to ordering blank pouches haha, just wish cute colors were easier to find

    Still not great at sewing (the inside of this is a mess) but at least the outside looks cute ? wanted to try making a lil pouch from scratch to put my heat transfer design on. I think I'll stick to ordering blank pouches haha, just wish cute colors were easier to find
    Still not great at sewing (the inside of this is a mess) but at least the outside looks cute ? wanted to try making a lil pouch from scratch to put my heat transfer design on. I think I'll stick to ordering blank pouches haha, just wish cute colors were easier to find

    #Inktober Day 1 - Shadis Not following any prompts this year, just focusing on my OCs ? #Inktober2019

    #Inktober Day 1 - Shadis 
Not following any prompts this year, just focusing on my OCs ? #Inktober2019

    #Inktober Day 2 - Anik ? #Inktober2019 #OC_tober

    #Inktober Day 2 - Anik ?
#Inktober2019 #OC_tober