June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    Who the hell are these guys

    Who the hell are these guys
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    Some of the exploration character doodles done before I started drawing

    Some of the exploration character doodles done before I started drawing
    Some of the exploration character doodles done before I started drawing
    Some of the exploration character doodles done before I started drawing
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    Even during the #coronavirus, dudes? Really?

    Even during the #coronavirus, dudes? Really?
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    This may take a while to finish given current job situation, but its something fun to practice in my spare time. Gimme gimme

    This may take a while to finish given current job situation, but its something fun to practice in my spare time. Gimme gimme
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    @sqetches1 It would appear we both appreciate cool gals~

    @sqetches1 It would appear we both appreciate cool gals~