June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    School Spirits: a character design project I did for my portfolio. A story about a shy new kid and two school bullies who bond over the fact that they are actually three non-human spirits a secret. A manananggal, a nagual, and a kitsune respectively. #characterdesign

    School Spirits: a character design project I did for my portfolio.

A story about a shy new kid and two school bullies who bond over the fact that they are actually three non-human spirits a secret. A manananggal, a nagual, and a kitsune respectively.

    School Spirits: a character design project I did for my portfolio.

A story about a shy new kid and two school bullies who bond over the fact that they are actually three non-human spirits a secret. A manananggal, a nagual, and a kitsune respectively.

    School Spirits: a character design project I did for my portfolio.

A story about a shy new kid and two school bullies who bond over the fact that they are actually three non-human spirits a secret. A manananggal, a nagual, and a kitsune respectively.

    School Spirits: a character design project I did for my portfolio.

A story about a shy new kid and two school bullies who bond over the fact that they are actually three non-human spirits a secret. A manananggal, a nagual, and a kitsune respectively.

    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    Some more pages of interactions and poses and turnarounds.

    Some more pages of interactions and poses and turnarounds.
    Some more pages of interactions and poses and turnarounds.
    Some more pages of interactions and poses and turnarounds.
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    Here we go! Starting with @CureYunny

    Here we go! Starting with @CureYunny
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    @CureYunny Next is @Gaziter, took some liberties with their permission hehe.

    @CureYunny Next is @Gaziter, took some liberties with their permission hehe.
    June Lo | Yuzu@luo_jun_zhe

    As a female dominated craft in animation, Color Design has historically been undervalued and underpaid. It's time to correct for this with a #NewDeal4Animation that achieves #EqualPay4EqualPaint

    As a female dominated craft in animation, Color Design has historically been undervalued and underpaid. It's time to correct for this with a #NewDeal4Animation that achieves #EqualPay4EqualPaint