sitting on an embarrassing amount of WIPS rn, I just want my holiday vacation to start alreadyyy!!

    sitting on an embarrassing amount of WIPS rn, I just want my holiday vacation to start alreadyyy!!
    sitting on an embarrassing amount of WIPS rn, I just want my holiday vacation to start alreadyyy!!
    sitting on an embarrassing amount of WIPS rn, I just want my holiday vacation to start alreadyyy!!
    sitting on an embarrassing amount of WIPS rn, I just want my holiday vacation to start alreadyyy!!

    they're like littlest pet shops. little creatures.

    they're like littlest pet shops. little creatures.

    inking rules actually: 🖤try inking with traditional microns/dip pens to get a more natural feel for it 🖤use a similar/the same brush you use for sketching to ink 🖤if you want your lines to be neatly the same weight use line stabilization!!! (digital) some of my ink work:

    inking rules actually:

🖤try inking with traditional microns/dip pens to get a more natural feel for it
🖤use a similar/the same brush you use for sketching to ink
🖤if you want your lines to be neatly the same weight use line stabilization!!! (digital)

some of my ink work:
    inking rules actually:

🖤try inking with traditional microns/dip pens to get a more natural feel for it
🖤use a similar/the same brush you use for sketching to ink
🖤if you want your lines to be neatly the same weight use line stabilization!!! (digital)

some of my ink work:
    inking rules actually:

🖤try inking with traditional microns/dip pens to get a more natural feel for it
🖤use a similar/the same brush you use for sketching to ink
🖤if you want your lines to be neatly the same weight use line stabilization!!! (digital)

some of my ink work:
    inking rules actually:

🖤try inking with traditional microns/dip pens to get a more natural feel for it
🖤use a similar/the same brush you use for sketching to ink
🖤if you want your lines to be neatly the same weight use line stabilization!!! (digital)

some of my ink work:

    my human scarab design for fionna and cake episode 5 "destiny". based on the board direction, it felt like turning a scary alien corporate stooge into your average guy corporate stooge 🐞📈➡️💁📉 his inner salaryman...!

    my human scarab design for fionna and cake episode 5 "destiny". based on the board direction, it felt like turning a scary alien corporate stooge  into your average guy corporate stooge 🐞📈➡️💁📉 his inner salaryman...!
    my human scarab design for fionna and cake episode 5 "destiny". based on the board direction, it felt like turning a scary alien corporate stooge  into your average guy corporate stooge 🐞📈➡️💁📉 his inner salaryman...!

    not at all knocking murata's current work since he's a big master of the craft, but i do miss his early style at the start of eyeshield 21. all that incredible understanding of motion and form but with a more sharp and cartoonish aesthetic sense

    not at all knocking murata's current work since he's a big master of the craft, but i do miss his early style at the start of eyeshield 21. all that incredible understanding of motion and form but with a more sharp and cartoonish aesthetic sense