and then all of the sudden I'm in soymilk hell, thanks to Lailah, because of this ⬇️⬇️

    and then all of the sudden I'm in soymilk hell, thanks to Lailah, because of this ⬇️⬇️

    just found something in common in charas I like 😂😂😂

    just found something in common in charas I like 😂😂😂
    just found something in common in charas I like 😂😂😂
    just found something in common in charas I like 😂😂😂
    just found something in common in charas I like 😂😂😂



    #忘羡 草图。。。不知道会不会上色但若真的上色了线条感一定会和草图完全不同😂😂😂 ((草图比上色好看系列 Doodle of #WangXian I'm not sure if I get the chance to paint it but I bet the feeling will be totally different after adding the colours lmao

    #忘羡 草图。。。不知道会不会上色但若真的上色了线条感一定会和草图完全不同😂😂😂 ((草图比上色好看系列

Doodle of #WangXian I'm not sure if I get the chance to paint it but I bet the feeling will be totally different after adding the colours lmao

    me trying to change lwj's face cause I wasn't satisfied enough 我他妈帮蓝忘机整容不知多少次了到底要怎样才能满意啊😂😂😂

    me trying to change lwj's face cause I wasn't satisfied enough

