Don't forget to vote on which character you'd like to see me work on♥
Stream is over!! Had a lot of fun working on Skullgirl 2B Thanks to everyone who came♥ If you missed it, the VOD will be up shortly~
If it's not funny comics, then it's Skullgirls style art haha QRT with your most popular art
Anyone else or is this just me?
Please look at what @JoeZieja made me do #FireEmblemThreeHouses #GoldenDeer #PayBylethMore
To celebrate #Persona5Strikers, here's one of my fave old comics I did live mas
Hilda: And? I don't see your point. #FireEmblemThreeHouses Based on a tweet by @FweeHouses
Old habits die hard. #P5R #Morgana
Google #LadyDimitrescu.... Apparently she's from a horror game? That can't be right.... #ResidentEvil8
Seteth Support rank C #FireEmblemThreeHouses
I have a few but this one has been dubbed a few times