Sam King 🐝@SamanthaCKing

    I'm getting used to CSP and I'm really liking sketching with the pen brushes! Doodled some old characters tonight

    I'm getting used to CSP and I'm really liking sketching with the pen brushes!

Doodled some old characters tonight
    I'm getting used to CSP and I'm really liking sketching with the pen brushes!

Doodled some old characters tonight
    Sam King 🐝@SamanthaCKing

    Start | Finish Storyboard Edition!

    Start | Finish

Storyboard Edition!
    Start | Finish

Storyboard Edition!
    Start | Finish

Storyboard Edition!
    Start | Finish

Storyboard Edition!
    Sam King 🐝@SamanthaCKing

    going through old rough boards sure is an experience

    going through old rough boards sure is

an experience
    going through old rough boards sure is

an experience
    going through old rough boards sure is

an experience
    going through old rough boards sure is

an experience
    Sam King 🐝@SamanthaCKing

    Doodle page of birds

    Doodle page of birds
    Sam King 🐝@SamanthaCKing

    Della sitting with Lunaris and Penny around a moon fire and devouring scorpion because she hasn't eaten in a decade. There's silliness in it but also sets up her infectious attitude with others, especially Penny. It's a nice moment that stuck with me.

    Della sitting with Lunaris and Penny around a moon fire and devouring scorpion because she hasn't eaten in a decade. There's silliness in it but also sets up her infectious attitude with others, especially Penny. It's a nice moment that stuck with me.