( harriet )@hattersarts

    ME??? PREDICTABLE??? how dare you. acane (cassandra kiramman & ambessa medarda)

    ME??? PREDICTABLE??? how dare you.

acane (cassandra kiramman & ambessa medarda)
    ME??? PREDICTABLE??? how dare you.

acane (cassandra kiramman & ambessa medarda)
    ME??? PREDICTABLE??? how dare you.

acane (cassandra kiramman & ambessa medarda)
    ( harriet )@hattersarts

    ive a pretty extensive bundle of work over there now, it now includes my 20 page full colour comic featured in smut peddler:silver and a LOT of lady d x maiden art. there's also my shame bundle of m*rv*l fanart...

    ive a pretty extensive bundle of work over there now, it now includes my 20 page full colour comic featured in smut peddler:silver and a LOT of lady d x maiden art. 
there's also my shame bundle of m*rv*l fanart...
    ive a pretty extensive bundle of work over there now, it now includes my 20 page full colour comic featured in smut peddler:silver and a LOT of lady d x maiden art. 
there's also my shame bundle of m*rv*l fanart...
    ( harriet )@hattersarts

    getting into the wheel of time as a new show fan and watching book fans have their wildest dreams become canonized

    getting into the wheel of time as a new show fan and watching book fans have their wildest dreams become canonized
    getting into the wheel of time as a new show fan and watching book fans have their wildest dreams become canonized
    ( harriet )@hattersarts

    playing ass creed vallie and randvi my love........

    playing ass creed vallie and randvi my love........
    playing ass creed vallie and randvi my love........
    ( harriet )@hattersarts

    lets go!! #hourlycomicday

    lets go!! #hourlycomicday

