Kelly Turnbull@Coelasquid

    You ever work on a show that just makes you

    You ever work on a show that just makes you
    Kelly Turnbull@Coelasquid

    @ChanaKimArt I'd say if anything Preston Blair's guides probably represent the way they teach walk cycles in American schools haha

    @ChanaKimArt I'd say if anything Preston Blair's guides probably represent the way they teach walk cycles in American schools haha
    @ChanaKimArt I'd say if anything Preston Blair's guides probably represent the way they teach walk cycles in American schools haha
    Kelly Turnbull@Coelasquid

    Trying to explain to IT that the cintiq they provided isn't working correctly while we're in the thumbs stage like "Look at how the lines are coming out" and handing them something like this as though that helps

    Trying to explain to IT that the cintiq they provided isn't working correctly while we're in the thumbs stage like "Look at how the lines are coming out" and handing them something like this as though that helps
    Kelly Turnbull@Coelasquid

    Make your foreground overlays work for you

    Make your foreground overlays work for you
    Kelly Turnbull@Coelasquid

    Hahah I forgot I drew the Dukes of the Nuke camp while I was sitting there drinking

    Hahah I forgot I drew the Dukes of the Nuke camp while I was sitting there drinking

