
    I know I'm awfully late for the #artvsartist2021 but honestly? I think it was a good year for me art-wise so I'll do it anyway

    I know I'm awfully late for the #artvsartist2021 but honestly? I think it was a good year for me art-wise so I'll do it anyway

    I don't believe I'll manage to do something else I'd be able to show this year, so here's this year's summary. Surprisingly good year for art it turned out to be (unfortunately I had to sacrifice naked Jinbe as I had to acknowledge that week I plummeted into ME:LE)

    I don't believe I'll manage to do something else I'd be able to show this year, so here's this year's summary. Surprisingly good year for art it turned out to be 
(unfortunately I had to sacrifice naked Jinbe as I had to acknowledge that week I plummeted into ME:LE)

    I just realized a very stupid thing

    I just realized a very stupid thing