Exactly half an hour later I fell and scraped my knees because I stepped into a hole in the street in my heels while trying to take my phone out to catch a video of a lion dance.

    Exactly half an hour later I fell and scraped my knees because I stepped into a hole in the street in my heels while trying to take my phone out to catch a video of a lion dance.

    He's going for it. #nortnaib #identityv #idv #nortoncampbell #naibsubedar

    He's going for it. #nortnaib #identityv #idv #nortoncampbell #naibsubedar
    He's going for it. #nortnaib #identityv #idv #nortoncampbell #naibsubedar
    He's going for it. #nortnaib #identityv #idv #nortoncampbell #naibsubedar
    He's going for it. #nortnaib #identityv #idv #nortoncampbell #naibsubedar

    #IdentityV #IDV #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト #nortnaib #shampoochallenge

    #IdentityV #IDV #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト #nortnaib #shampoochallenge

    I know Sparrow Norton is supposed to be a child but he's seen gambling and drinking in promotional material so while everyone sees him as a baby I see him as some Ah Beng squatting in the corner of the club. #identityv #idv #identityVイラスト #第五人格イラスト #第五人格

    I know Sparrow Norton is supposed to be a child but he's seen gambling and drinking in promotional material so while everyone sees him as a baby I see him as some Ah Beng squatting in the corner of the club. #identityv #idv #identityVイラスト #第五人格イラスト #第五人格

    I'm kind of obsessed with #Vicdrew. #identityv #idv #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト

    I'm kind of obsessed with #Vicdrew. #identityv #idv #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト
    I'm kind of obsessed with #Vicdrew. #identityv #idv #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト
    I'm kind of obsessed with #Vicdrew. #identityv #idv #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト
    I'm kind of obsessed with #Vicdrew. #identityv #idv #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト