The Cooler Cassie@curioscurio

    fellas is it gay to

    fellas is it gay to
    The Cooler Cassie@curioscurio

    POV you have psychic powers black hair and a bowl cut struggling with understanding your emotions and also you hang out with a stupid blonde man on the regular because it's your job

    POV you have psychic powers black hair and a bowl cut struggling with understanding your emotions and also you hang out with a stupid blonde man on the regular because it's your job
    The Cooler Cassie@curioscurio

    Jongyle #StrangerThings I love Argyle, Jonathan's weed smoking boyfriend

    Jongyle #StrangerThings I love Argyle, Jonathan's weed smoking boyfriend
    The Cooler Cassie@curioscurio

    we're playing AI: the somnium files

    we're playing AI: the somnium files
    we're playing AI: the somnium files
    The Cooler Cassie@curioscurio

    Short comic of a conversation my mom and I had this morning and the sudden urge to hammer tin foil immediately afterwards. Apologies have been made though! Communication Win :)

    Short comic of a conversation my mom and I had this morning and the sudden urge to hammer tin foil immediately afterwards. Apologies have been made though! Communication Win :)
    Short comic of a conversation my mom and I had this morning and the sudden urge to hammer tin foil immediately afterwards. Apologies have been made though! Communication Win :)