
    why choose anyway

    why choose anyway
    why choose anyway

    Those who were into Korrasami from the very beginning were really on another level, legends

    Those who were into Korrasami from the very beginning were really on another level, legends

    sometimes I feel lost without some signature style , but today I feel good about it. And I'm sure this isn't even close to my final form #sameartist

    sometimes I feel lost without some signature style , but today I feel good about it. And I'm sure this isn't even close to my final form #sameartist
    sometimes I feel lost without some signature style , but today I feel good about it. And I'm sure this isn't even close to my final form #sameartist
    sometimes I feel lost without some signature style , but today I feel good about it. And I'm sure this isn't even close to my final form #sameartist
    sometimes I feel lost without some signature style , but today I feel good about it. And I'm sure this isn't even close to my final form #sameartist

    Kind of a fantasy au with Inn keeper Martin and quest focused adventurer Jon #tma #MagnusPod #themagnusarchives

    Kind of a fantasy au with Inn keeper Martin and quest focused adventurer Jon
#tma #MagnusPod #themagnusarchives
    Kind of a fantasy au with Inn keeper Martin and quest focused adventurer Jon
#tma #MagnusPod #themagnusarchives
    Kind of a fantasy au with Inn keeper Martin and quest focused adventurer Jon
#tma #MagnusPod #themagnusarchives

    [some s3 throwback with Lance] New red paladin responsabilities, new fears and nightmares. #voltron #klance

    [some s3 throwback with Lance] 
New red paladin responsabilities, new fears  and nightmares.
#voltron #klance
    [some s3 throwback with Lance] 
New red paladin responsabilities, new fears  and nightmares.
#voltron #klance
    [some s3 throwback with Lance] 
New red paladin responsabilities, new fears  and nightmares.
#voltron #klance

