
    Lineart comparison between two Montys. Style has changed quite a bit LOL 2022/2021 comparison

    Lineart comparison between two Montys. Style has changed quite a bit LOL
2022/2021 comparison

    my eyes have been in actual agony, they won't stop watering and drying up in 2 seconds when they're open. LORD MY DUMB FREAKIN MONITOR FOR REAL BLINDING ME

    my eyes have been in actual agony, they won't stop watering and drying up in 2 seconds when they're open. LORD MY DUMB FREAKIN MONITOR FOR REAL BLINDING ME

    was there ever a movie/commercial that had a blonde kid in a soccer uniform (I think) swallowing a soccerball/dodgeball of somekind???? I have this unknown memory from many years ago like early 2000's of something like this but I DON'T KNOW IF I JUST MADE IT UP OR NOT

    was there ever a movie/commercial that had a blonde kid in a soccer uniform (I think) swallowing a soccerball/dodgeball of somekind???? I have this unknown memory from many years ago like early 2000's of something like this but I DON'T KNOW IF I JUST MADE IT UP OR NOT

    trying to paint super sonic's fur/quills

    trying to paint super sonic's fur/quills

    my twitter constantly auto refreshing and making me lose my spot on my timeline

    my twitter constantly auto refreshing and making me lose my spot on my timeline