the way Ted is drawn in this comic is making me lose my mimd, I think this is the cutest drawing I have ever seen (art in this comic is by @ianmcginty)

    the way Ted is drawn in this comic is making me lose my mimd, I think this is the cutest drawing I have ever seen (art in this comic is by @ianmcginty)

    late night sketches of mr alex winter . #BillAndTed #TheLostBoys

    late night sketches of mr alex winter 
#BillAndTed #TheLostBoys

    drew a lil keanu last night as a warmup

    drew a lil keanu last night as a warmup

    so there's this pic from River's Edge........................

    so there's this pic from River's Edge........................
    so there's this pic from River's Edge........................
    so there's this pic from River's Edge........................

    I read somewhere that Keanu was ambidextrous [1/2] #BillandTed

    I read somewhere that Keanu was ambidextrous [1/2] #BillandTed
    I read somewhere that Keanu was ambidextrous [1/2] #BillandTed
    I read somewhere that Keanu was ambidextrous [1/2] #BillandTed