Even though I'm not great at drawing people on the fly, I'm really tempted to try offering some at-con commissions at magfest! I've been playing around with the idea of doing pet portraits/cosplays (imagine the below pic but done in ink).

    Even though I'm not great at drawing people on the fly, I'm really tempted to try offering some at-con commissions at magfest!  

I've been playing around with the idea of doing pet portraits/cosplays (imagine the below pic but done in ink).

    All set up for day 3 of Magfest! $1 left-handed commissions are back! I'm running low on my Ghost-type pouch (2 left, will have a few more tomorrow)

    All set up for day 3 of Magfest!  $1 left-handed commissions are back!

I'm running low on my Ghost-type pouch (2 left, will have a few more tomorrow)
    All set up for day 3 of Magfest!  $1 left-handed commissions are back!

I'm running low on my Ghost-type pouch (2 left, will have a few more tomorrow)

    All set up for the final day of Magfest! I have more ghost type pouches, plus I got some more paper to do left-handed commissions with!

    All set up for the final day of Magfest!  I have more ghost type pouches, plus I got some more paper to do left-handed commissions with!
    All set up for the final day of Magfest!  I have more ghost type pouches, plus I got some more paper to do left-handed commissions with!

    More funky fellas (9/5)

    More funky fellas (9/5)
    More funky fellas (9/5)
    More funky fellas (9/5)

    Closing this off with Buwuno Bwucharati. His stand is Zippy Fingers. (10/10)

    Closing this off with Buwuno Bwucharati.  His stand is Zippy Fingers. (10/10)

