
    Felt like I was getting rusty with my art so I spent the whole day drawing portraits. I'm usually not the type to post unfinished works, but I'll make this sketchdump an exception

    Felt like I was getting rusty with my art so I spent the whole day drawing portraits.
I'm usually not the type to post unfinished works, but I'll make this sketchdump an exception
    Felt like I was getting rusty with my art so I spent the whole day drawing portraits.
I'm usually not the type to post unfinished works, but I'll make this sketchdump an exception

    Miyamoto Musashi #vagabond #バガボンド

    Miyamoto Musashi

#vagabond #バガボンド

    Me (finally) buying Clip Studio Paint just to draw gremlins has the same energy as people buying RTX 3070's to play Minesweeper.

    Me (finally) buying Clip Studio Paint just to draw gremlins has the same energy as people buying RTX 3070's to play Minesweeper.

    I don't usually post unfinished works, but since I don't know when (or if) I'm even gonna finish this, I figured I might as well share ~ #MonsterHunter

    I don't usually post unfinished works, but since I don't know when (or if) I'm even gonna finish this, I figured I might as well share ~


    2021 art summary to give the illusion that I'm actually contributing something to the art society

    2021 art summary to give the illusion that I'm actually contributing something to the art society