Cheer 🐶🌸🩷@cheerpuppy14

    Tumblr request, but tbh I wanted to draw this cursed crossover for a while

    Tumblr request, but tbh I wanted to draw this cursed crossover for a while
    Tumblr request, but tbh I wanted to draw this cursed crossover for a while
    Cheer 🐶🌸🩷@cheerpuppy14

    Now that my semester is over I'm making some new merch! Are there any characters you'd like for me to make merch of? (dr or non dr)

    Now that my semester is over I'm making some new merch!
Are there any characters you'd like for me to make merch of? (dr or non dr)
    Cheer 🐶🌸🩷@cheerpuppy14

    It's a shitpost so I'm justified in forgetting the lights on kiibo's collar AGAIN

    It's a shitpost so I'm justified in forgetting the lights on kiibo's collar AGAIN
    It's a shitpost so I'm justified in forgetting the lights on kiibo's collar AGAIN
    Cheer 🐶🌸🩷@cheerpuppy14

    I love my stardew valley farmer who's just living a peaceful domestic life with an occasional life threatening trip to the mines

    I love my stardew valley farmer who's just living a peaceful domestic life with an occasional life threatening trip to the mines
    I love my stardew valley farmer who's just living a peaceful domestic life with an occasional life threatening trip to the mines
    I love my stardew valley farmer who's just living a peaceful domestic life with an occasional life threatening trip to the mines
    Cheer 🐶🌸🩷@cheerpuppy14

    Was looking through my dr folder

    Was looking through my dr folder
    Was looking through my dr folder