
    I'm still very happy with how this one turned out, in the end ✨ #StartToFinish

    I'm still very happy with how this one turned out, in the end ✨ #StartToFinish
    I'm still very happy with how this one turned out, in the end ✨ #StartToFinish

    things Alida does that are very cute but also make my life Extremely Difficult: whenever she knows food is coming, she waits for it by sitting IN her food bowl. her huge bunny butt fills the entire bowl and I literally can't feed her unless I physically nudge her or pick her up,,

    things Alida does that are very cute but also make my life Extremely Difficult: whenever she knows food is coming, she waits for it by sitting IN her food bowl. her huge bunny butt fills the entire bowl and I literally can't feed her unless I physically nudge her or pick her up,,

    "The coastal roads of Maya's home town were marked by rusting relics of a forgotten disaster; great old machines, long immobile and overgrown, the barrels of their hulking ion cannons still trained on the alabaster tower across the sea."

    "The coastal roads of Maya's home town were marked by rusting relics of a forgotten disaster; great old machines, long immobile and overgrown, the barrels of their hulking ion cannons still trained on the alabaster tower across the sea."

    unmasking the fresno nightcrawler

    unmasking the fresno nightcrawler
    unmasking the fresno nightcrawler

    my OC Maya as Brian David Gilbert

    my OC Maya as Brian David Gilbert