



    Ok hello mutuals please sign up for my holiday card exchange if you want a card! Will probably close the form and mail at the beginning of December. I have no idea what I am going to draw but unfortunately it will probably be holiday clowns https://t.co/5HdyenUcYN

    Ok hello mutuals please sign up for my holiday card exchange if you want a card! Will probably close the form and mail at the beginning of December. I have no idea what I am going to draw but unfortunately it will probably be holiday clowns

    I, a person who loves both Daredevil and knitting, am still thinking about that photo of Charlie Cox learning how to knit

    I, a person who loves both Daredevil and knitting, am still thinking about that photo of Charlie Cox learning how to knit
    I, a person who loves both Daredevil and knitting, am still thinking about that photo of Charlie Cox learning how to knit
    I, a person who loves both Daredevil and knitting, am still thinking about that photo of Charlie Cox learning how to knit

    Hi, I'm mapurl! shop/site- https://t.co/EsVhhZRjn1 tumblr- https://t.co/xlR8YeVTgf itchio- https://t.co/7FEQDHf3Bi email- mapurl.syrup@gmail.com all art : https://t.co/NnTQ7EckiZ games + comics: https://t.co/chQA6O7pmg pins: https://t.co/VQWipWXY35 (cont.)

    Hi, I'm mapurl!
shop/site- https://t.co/EsVhhZRjn1
tumblr- https://t.co/xlR8YeVTgf
itchio-  https://t.co/7FEQDHf3Bi
email- mapurl.syrup@gmail.com

all art : https://t.co/NnTQ7EckiZ
games + comics: https://t.co/chQA6O7pmg
pins: https://t.co/VQWipWXY35
    Hi, I'm mapurl!
shop/site- https://t.co/EsVhhZRjn1
tumblr- https://t.co/xlR8YeVTgf
itchio-  https://t.co/7FEQDHf3Bi
email- mapurl.syrup@gmail.com

all art : https://t.co/NnTQ7EckiZ
games + comics: https://t.co/chQA6O7pmg
pins: https://t.co/VQWipWXY35
    Hi, I'm mapurl!
shop/site- https://t.co/EsVhhZRjn1
tumblr- https://t.co/xlR8YeVTgf
itchio-  https://t.co/7FEQDHf3Bi
email- mapurl.syrup@gmail.com

all art : https://t.co/NnTQ7EckiZ
games + comics: https://t.co/chQA6O7pmg
pins: https://t.co/VQWipWXY35